Friday, April 10, 2009

A cup of coffee

By Nikki Quismondo

warm incandescent moods
a flirtatious smile noticed
a porcelain floral cup filled with Brazilian coffee
soft voices travel and I hear the words "will you?"
I wonder what the proposition was about
the musical instrumentation plays away such thoughts
some jazzy number like a byrd song comes around in a sort of
mystical design of vibrations
i'm minutes earlier for the meeting
appreciative of moments like these
you finally enter the coffee venue
everything new, becomes suddenly familar....

Saturday, April 4, 2009

An afternoon interrupted

by Nikki Quismondo

garnet tornado-sky
hot lava lamp conflicting water tongue
hurt wounds opening into private worlds
lost thoughts jump inside again
red world twirling like a bloody mary
heat pumping into anger moods
dramatic pact against the stirring irritations
the yelling, streaking discrimination
the energy, now low and ready to evaporate
the outcome, steamy resentment for everything at stake