Sunday, September 5, 2010

bit by memories

by Nikki Quismondo

bit by memories
a sinking of teeth into flesh
snapshots of you holding your arms into place
intermingling of fingers, legs
sun shards sneaking in between blinds,
then dimmed shadows
glowing of skin,
afternoon delights
smells of warm musk
leopard sheets
cold air conditioner, then hot
bare feet against marbled floors
a portrait studio of us...

bit by memories
flashing into different place settings
classical music
reminiscent day time fantasies

missing you...

Saturday, September 4, 2010


by Nikki Quismondo

Those marbled, emerald green and ivory floors,
a cool pattern right to you,
a fresh memory of summer night sensations
needing to hear your whispers
remembering the kiss upon shoulder
skin, glistening, candlelight
spa music
yellow chair...


feeling you...

flashes of touching...

white walls...

the red lamp...

an eternal list, an eternal memory...